We are well-aware of the role that cities play in the modern-day world and what challenges they have to face. Governing a city, especially if the purpose is not only to simply administer it, but also to manage its spatial development, is not an easy task. Bold vision and long-term goals are surely necessary, however their realization must need a well-grounded knowledge and feedback on the changes occuring in our cities and how the implementation of certain urban policies affects their shape and development.
This is why under the Institute of Urban and Regional Development we decided to estabilish the Urban Policy Observatory – a platform for meetings and exchange of experience, knowledge and ideas for those whose heart beats in the rhythm of the city.
Thanks to the platform, knowledge is integrated and systematically generated through continuous research programs conducted at the Institute. We hope that the content accumulated and published in this way will serve everyone, whose concern is the lot of our cities. That being said, our research is to serve local, regional and national authorities, researchers, NGOs, and – last but not least – city residents.
What is more, the Observatory’s activities, together with the help of professions devoted to the implementation of urban policies and urban studies will allow to assess the degree of implementation of the objectives adopted in the National Urban Policy and tailor them to changing conditions and challenges.
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