
Przedstawiamy raport „Guide to good Urban Lab ideas”

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Zapraszamy do lektury najnowszego raportu Urban Lab „Guide to good Urban Lab ideas”! Znajdziecie w nim wiele inspirujących przykładów dobrych praktyk wdrożonych w miastach o zróżnicowanym rozmiarze i uwarunkowaniach.

„Positive examples of ideas implemented in other cities, referred to as good practices, undoubtedly contribute to active measures aimed at improving the conditions and quality of life in the city and involving citizens in the decision-making process. The increasing willingness and commitment to invent solutions by residents, to experiment and test prototypes in the urban environment, also lead to initiatives undertaken by various urban stakeholders, whether clustered or not, around NGOs, municipal and academic institutions or commercial entities. This study is a collection of exemplary urban good practices, with various topics, which have been implemented – or are still being continued as long-term activities – in different countries and cities of varied size and conditions. The result is a publication that presents broad experience and can serve as an inspiration for further cities and, above all, their citizens”.

Redakcja: Bartosz Piziak, Magdalena Bień 

Raport Obserwatorium Polityki Miejskiej - Guide to good Urban Lab ideas - Pobierz raport

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